Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 20-21--Shabbat in Raanana

The Raanans arrived back from England early Friday morning and from the first instant it was as if no time had passed at all. The kids picked up exactly where they had left off (and the adults did as well)!
After the reunion, James and Yehuda went Shabbat shopping, Sarah and I napped and the kids all hung out. Then Yehuda and I went out to lunch alone with Leora to Holy Bagel on Achuza. We also stopped at a French bakery to buy challah for Shabbat. It was the heaviest, sweetest, doughiest challah ever. Delicious!
Later in the afternoon Maggie arrived home from the kennel, which of course was a highlight for my kids!
About two hours before Shabbat Zachary, Joshua and Millie asked to take Maggie for a walk. We said yes but that they had to stay on the block and not cross any streets. At about 15 minutes before Shabbat I started to panic because they hadn't returned. We set out by car to look for them and drive around and around with no luck. Just as I was about to ask how we contact the police, we spotted the 3 of them with the dog all holding hands, carefully crossing the street. The site was so nice that it was impossible to be angry. The best part was Joshua's grin when he picked up a massive bag of candy. Zachary had 57 shekel in his pocket and they spent it all on the candy! Isn't independence great?!
Shabbat was wonderful and restful and there is nothing like spending it with good friends. In the afternoon we were invited to visit the Amranis -- Nechama was a BPY teacher from the first year who made Aliyah two years ago. It was wonderful to see her and her family.
After Shabbat, Zachary and Yoav went out to Blockbuster (alone) to rent a movie for everyone. I can't believe I let two 12 year olds out at 10:00 at night by themselves.... I guess that's what's great about being in Israel.

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